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In Isolation: A Conversation Between Remembering and Neglecting

In Isolation is a series of monochromatic drawings that focus on the 'X' patterns that are often seen during the pandemic. From a foreigner's point of view, experiencing the lockdown in Singapore has also instigated the perception of exploring both personal and empty public spaces. Thus, places like hawker centres, playgrounds and void decks have been chosen to be the main subject matters for the drawings. Charcoal is chosen as the medium to portray the voidness and emptiness in those places that were primarily affected due to the pandemic. Tape is also added as a representation of the border of restriction that limits our interaction with each other. Therefore, the viewers are able to experience and see the whole installation as a conversation between the life we remembered and also the life that we have lost. 

Final work.jpg

In Isolation: A Conversation Between Remembering and Neglecting, 2021. Charcoal on plywood and tape. Dimensions variable.

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